Monday, July 27, 2009

Free Week!!!

C is going to Grandma & Grandpa's house in Appleton this week!!! She is so much better for them than she is for us. She's really so much better for anyone than us. How does that work?

I took L golfing at a par 3 golf course yesterday -- it was his first time golfing on a "real" golf course. I was pretty leery about how it would go, but he really surprised me. He had a 57 and only whiffed about 3 times total, but those were just "practice shots". On the last hole, his tee shot was probably at least 85 yards. What really impresses me about L is that he is very optimistic in everything he does, especially sports. On every hole, he really thought he might get a hole in one. Even in baseball this year, he struck out a lot, but it never got him down, he always wants to go out and practice batting, because he knows that's what he needs to practice.

Grova made it through the weekend with C bothering her all weekend. Last night C was making her make a funny face by pulling her face back. L wanted her in her room last night until she got on his bed and walked across him and stepped on his "privates". She weighs maybe 4 pounds, I can't imagine that hurt him....whatever!! L is excited that he has the cat to himself this week while C is away.

Pray for

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